Tuesday, December 4, 2012


Today we flew to Israel.  We landed in Jerusalem (the capitol of Israel) around 12:40 this afternoon...and had a safe flight home at 2pm. We learned all about the Celebration of Hanukkah or the Celebration of Lights.  Please be sure to ask your child what the candles are for and what it means when each is lit. We were able to see the landforms that are in Israel.  We saw the Jordan River, the Dead Sea, the Valleys (two mountains next to each other with water in the middle), Deserts and the Plains.  We discussed how the Dead Sea got its unusual name, make sure you ask your Kindergartener why it is called the Dead Sea.  While we were in Israel we were able to play the Dreidel Game and learned what each of the symbols mean on the sides.  We also learned that they speak Arabic and Hebrew.  We learned how to say Hello (Shalom) and Congratulations (Mazel Tov) in Hebrew. Before we took off to return to Jacksonville, Fl we were able to taste Apple Sauce, a yummy treat children in Israel like to eat.  We can't wait to see what we will get to experience tomorrow in China. 

Playing Dreidel
We used Skittles as Game Pieces

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