You will be getting a lot of information about this on Monday. But we wanted to give you a little heads up tonight.
First… here is the link to the website:
We are having a Kick Off Assembly Monday(1/28/13) at 12:45 and every
student in our class is going to receive a T-Shirt to wear to the Fun
Run.(We would hate if any
student forgot to wear their shirt to school on the Fun Run Day, so we
will keep all shirts at school.) Also, we will be having a 15-minute
assembly every day until the Fun Run. (No worries about Academics, we
are not losing any Academic time, it’s being taken
out of our Recess Time.)
Last and MOST IMPORTANT…We need your help in choosing a Team Name.
We are taking all offers for a possible Team Name until Friday Morning
at 9:00a.m.
At that time we are going to have the Students vote on a winning name.
We will broadcast our Team Name LOUD & PROUD Monday Morning after
the Kick Off Assembly. Be sure to come back and check out the blog and
tell everyone!!
you have any questions or concerns please let us know. This is new to
us… but we are excited and we’ll do our best to help answer any
questions you have.
we almost forgot the most important thing. Haha If every student gets at
least a $1.00 pledge… We (Ms. Finocchiaro & Mrs. Hope) are doing the Fun Run too!!!
Kylee would like to add the team name of the "Rays" to the voting choices. Thanks!