So we are learning something new everyday about our new Fundraiser...Boosterthon! We have changed our Class Incentives a little bit....they are still Super Awesome...just different. We hope that you have all had a chance to go on the website and look at your child's webpage for their Pledges.
Each of our students will be getting a sticker to show what Character Trait we will be discussing that day during our short Assembly. The Character Traits they will be focusing on are:
Good Attitude
and Fitness
One of the things that I'm sure your kiddos have told you all about are the Prizes. The students get rewarded DAILY! Once they have Pledges, the next day they will get the Prize that goes with how much they have raised. REMEMBER you can do a FLAT FEE or Pledge PER LAP! Here are the 2 students from yesterday that received their Prizes for the Pledges they have raised so far. GREAT JOB RILEY AND ANYA!!!
Great job on the blog I love it!!!!