It seems as though we go from one BIG EVENT to ANOTHER:) We have Valentine's Day coming this Thursday and are starting to prepare for Dr. Seuss Week, St. Patrick's Day and Easter. We are including a list of items that we are in need of to make these events a SUCCESS! We thank you so much for ALL that you guys do for our class, it is because of that support that we can continue to do these AMAZING activities with your little ones.
I have included a list of the needed supplies on our Wish List as well!
*Yellow Cardstock
*Teddy Grahams
*Mini Marshmallows
*Clear Packing Tape
*White Eggs
*Green Food Coloring Gel Paste
*Birthday Party Hats (RED, they can be stripped, Polka Dot, or anything else patterned with Red & White)
*Peanut Free Animal Crackers
*Pop Tarts
*Extra Large Blue (light blue) Pom Poms
*Teddy Grahams
*Mini Marshmallows
*Clear Packing Tape
*White Eggs
*Green Food Coloring Gel Paste
*Birthday Party Hats (RED, they can be stripped, Polka Dot, or anything else patterned with Red & White)
*Peanut Free Animal Crackers
*Pop Tarts
*Extra Large Blue (light blue) Pom Poms
I'll get you the tape no problem. I'll send 2 rolls for you.